I'm like Magellan, I'm so gellin'! Except lost.
It was like one... MILLION... degrees. A couple notes on that... first, I think that Ryan sings it infinitely better than TMBG, and also, I'm awe-struck that someone took the time to record this off their TV on their digi and upload it on the interwebs.
We returned to Hyde Park and reunited with our favorite random strike-zone umpire. You'd think that having been there just last week, it would have been easier to find this time. Well, not for Team Eagle-Basil (I'll leave Karen out of this, since she was just a passenger), nor for Joe "Central Time" Lemay. Fortunately, Google Maps Mobile brought Eagle, Karen, and me safely to Hyde Park, and Rebecca was able to successfully direct Joe to the park via phone. And for the record, I will state that I missed a turn that caused us to wander 3 miles into Dorchester... which has convinced Eagle that I am directionally challenged, a statement at which I take umbrage. For the record, that's a word from the Verbal SAT Flashcards that Eagle sometimes still reviews to keep sharp (not really).
At first pitch, the Thirds had seven people in the starting lineup, to Sweet Team Bodega's eleven. As the away team, we went through six batters, sending Eagle home, before a 4-3 groundout retired the side. Fortunately, at that very moment, Ali rolled up and we were able to take to the field, with a catcher borrowed from STB.
We brought a new look to the field, with Jen taking pitching duties in replacement of Brian. The good news is that she did quite well. The bad news is that we may now have a "Starting Pitcher Controversy" on IGMW. The mitigating factor is that Jen was not overly enthusiastic about her new position (although she did notch a K against one of the other team's big bats).
This game was relatively highlight/blooper free. With the exception of the bottom third, or "Rebecca's Inning". Playing at second, she caught a line drive with the runner on first way off the bag. Rebecca threw to Ryan, our first baseman for the day. And then, the following events unfolded:
Other than that, not much sticks out in my mind. Except for Eagle striking out and owing us a pitcher... so now we just need to find a drink-up spot that has pitchers and we'll have three (or four) headed our way courtesy of our special K'ers.
Oh right... we lost 8-3, including the two runs we got because the other team was missing a girl. But, on the plus side, we did get together in a toilet for a few frosty beers after the game. Well, we weren't really in a toilet (it was actually the Midway Cafe in Dedham), but if you closed your eyes and took a deep breath and had even a slight amount of imagination, you could pretend you were. Amazingly, Zagat hasn't reviewed this place yet. But yes, they do cater! Ryan, you know I'm just playing, thanks for taking time out of your busy day to provide us with directions to the drink-up. How do you feel about taking that on for the rest of the season? Thanks buddy!
Fun facts:
We returned to Hyde Park and reunited with our favorite random strike-zone umpire. You'd think that having been there just last week, it would have been easier to find this time. Well, not for Team Eagle-Basil (I'll leave Karen out of this, since she was just a passenger), nor for Joe "Central Time" Lemay. Fortunately, Google Maps Mobile brought Eagle, Karen, and me safely to Hyde Park, and Rebecca was able to successfully direct Joe to the park via phone. And for the record, I will state that I missed a turn that caused us to wander 3 miles into Dorchester... which has convinced Eagle that I am directionally challenged, a statement at which I take umbrage. For the record, that's a word from the Verbal SAT Flashcards that Eagle sometimes still reviews to keep sharp (not really).
At first pitch, the Thirds had seven people in the starting lineup, to Sweet Team Bodega's eleven. As the away team, we went through six batters, sending Eagle home, before a 4-3 groundout retired the side. Fortunately, at that very moment, Ali rolled up and we were able to take to the field, with a catcher borrowed from STB.
We brought a new look to the field, with Jen taking pitching duties in replacement of Brian. The good news is that she did quite well. The bad news is that we may now have a "Starting Pitcher Controversy" on IGMW. The mitigating factor is that Jen was not overly enthusiastic about her new position (although she did notch a K against one of the other team's big bats).
This game was relatively highlight/blooper free. With the exception of the bottom third, or "Rebecca's Inning". Playing at second, she caught a line drive with the runner on first way off the bag. Rebecca threw to Ryan, our first baseman for the day. And then, the following events unfolded:
- Ryan stepped on the bag
- The umpire called two outs
- The runner headed off the field to his bench
Other than that, not much sticks out in my mind. Except for Eagle striking out and owing us a pitcher... so now we just need to find a drink-up spot that has pitchers and we'll have three (or four) headed our way courtesy of our special K'ers.
Oh right... we lost 8-3, including the two runs we got because the other team was missing a girl. But, on the plus side, we did get together in a toilet for a few frosty beers after the game. Well, we weren't really in a toilet (it was actually the Midway Cafe in Dedham), but if you closed your eyes and took a deep breath and had even a slight amount of imagination, you could pretend you were. Amazingly, Zagat hasn't reviewed this place yet. But yes, they do cater! Ryan, you know I'm just playing, thanks for taking time out of your busy day to provide us with directions to the drink-up. How do you feel about taking that on for the rest of the season? Thanks buddy!
Fun facts:
- An ounce of gold is heavier than an ounce of feathers. Really.
- Karat and carat are both measurements related to weight. The first gives the overall purity of gold and platimum alloys by comparing the mass of pure gold or platinum in the material to the overall mass of the material. Then inexplicably multiplying by 24. The second is the measurement of weights of gems and pearls that most people are familiar with.
- You cannot board a plane wearing Dr Scholl's Gel inserts. Gellin' like a felon, indeed.
- Fellas, here's a place to get your special lady a 24-karat gold ring at a very special price! Three dozen for under $65.00 with a FREE display case! Great for birthdays, anniversaries, and Valentine's Day for the next twelve years! Tell Tye that Basil sent ya.
Good work, Basil. I now have another reason to hate the TSA and all of their foolish rules.
Ryan, at 11:08 AM
Its like 1 Million Degrees!!!!
I enjoyed the Karat vs. carat clarification
Unknown, at 10:15 PM
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